Friday, October 23, 2009

6 months!

can you believe it??
6 whole months :})
thats half a year
our semi annual!
life may not always be great,
but at least i have my baby girl.
my snuggle buddy, my cuddle muffin.
my life.

i love you baby!

heres to many more months together
and hopefully years.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


haha i just found an assignment from 8th grade
when we were reading the diary of anne frank
i wrote:
"if i was a jew during the holocast i would have wanted to live in france because france had the highest survival rate."

Saturday, October 17, 2009


did i have such a sucky week??
im mean it wasnt the worst but still.
and the icing on the cake she has gotten into more trouble.
i probably wont get to hang out with her until she is 18.
at least next week there is the feildtrip.
but to a court house? i hope its not depressing.
and he called me this morning just what i need when i first wake up.
and now shes not answering my calls.
im gonna go ahead guess thats a bad thing.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

new socialvibe badge

weekend plans

hopefully im gonna sew like crazy this weekend.
i need to put like 20 patches on liz's jacket
and sew tia's crotch hole up so she will stop wearing them like that.
i mean hey i kinda liked it for obvious reasons but,
lastt week she put her foot through it so i think its time to repair.
oh and i want to make my favorite pair of jeans skinny.
ive been putting it off for a year.
they look cute rolled up but i am ready for some skinny.
oooh yeah and maybe possibly i might be going to
venice beach for the first time with tia on sunday:)
so we will see if any of that happens.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


had a great day with ma girl(:
doesnt get much better then that.

Monday, October 5, 2009

homecoming pics!


socialvibe is changing and updating
and i cant go on:( wahhhhhhhh!
i wish they would hurry up.
i am excited for the changes though.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

please please!

let all these natural disasters going on inside my body be over by tmrw!