Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

attitude is everything.

To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar

one of my favorite movies of all time.
what can i say drag queens have a special place in my heart.
seriously i love them.

Starring patrick swayze(rip), john Leguizamo, wesley snipes, and an appearance by rupaul<3


this is my gorgeous girlfriend!
i love her.

car troubles.

car wouldnt start this morning so cant go to school or work.
luckily i am actually sick.
i hope willie tells tia.
im good with stayin home you know me but i dont gets to see my baby:(
oh well guess we will try again tmrw haha idk.
but seriously we need a new car.
not a new new car.
just a new used car.
i love Lola but she is over 30 years old.
a new problem every week.
she is a good sturdy old car, but they dont even make parts for her anymore.

yup and now im not even tired:/

welp ill check back in later.

[7:50-so willie didnt tell her. big surprise but tyrees txt me and its ok.]

Sunday, September 27, 2009


i guess i will just give up on posting topics.
nobody cares really.
i dont get why you would want to be on a site to help people if you really dont care.
i just dont get it.
oh well.

you know its sad to that in america you have the oppurtunity to do that.
to be a jerk and have no care in the world.
while somewhere else even somewhere else in the u.s. someone is suffering.
but since your at home warm in your bed with your full belly and your expensive laptop
you dont have to care and instead you can make a mockery of it
because it is inconcievable to you, and therefore not completely real in your mind.

[update!so one person actually apologized for ruining my topic. i guess the world isnt completely hopeless.]
{p.s. i know my topic getting ruined wasnt the end of the world i just really got worked up over what they were saying}

so on a lighter note...

homecoming is this weekend!
i just got my outfit!
i adore it.
my gf and i are gonna look awsome.
the theme is cirque du homecoming.
i like.
yeah im just happy about it.
ill post pictures later :})

pretty lame...

you know what really sucks?

i posted a topic in a socialvibe forum about slavery

and everyone made it into a joke using it to make themselves

look like moronic inconsiderate assholes

i mean really who does that

i really wanted a serious disscusion about how terrible slavery is

and being on socialvibe where you are supposed to help people

i thought i would get that but nooooo

instead i got a bunch of crazy selfish jerks fighting over who called who what

and defending people who say there is nothing wrong with slavery

and who say they own half the slaves in the world

do none of them think of anyone but themselves

if you want to be a jackass fight over pointless things then post your own topic

they could call it "wanna fight and be an asshole for no reason? then this is the topic for you."

i just dont understand people.
