Sunday, September 27, 2009


i guess i will just give up on posting topics.
nobody cares really.
i dont get why you would want to be on a site to help people if you really dont care.
i just dont get it.
oh well.

you know its sad to that in america you have the oppurtunity to do that.
to be a jerk and have no care in the world.
while somewhere else even somewhere else in the u.s. someone is suffering.
but since your at home warm in your bed with your full belly and your expensive laptop
you dont have to care and instead you can make a mockery of it
because it is inconcievable to you, and therefore not completely real in your mind.

[update!so one person actually apologized for ruining my topic. i guess the world isnt completely hopeless.]
{p.s. i know my topic getting ruined wasnt the end of the world i just really got worked up over what they were saying}

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